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Walking and Cycling

corby_crags_3_20111120_1963457978Being restricted to public cars and motorbikes, Wark Forest, and the greater Kielder Forest, is a perfect haven for Walkers, Cyclists and indeed anybody seeking escape from the hectic day to day grind.

With the whole forest open to pedestrians and cyclists, feel free to wander the myriad tracks and roads in complete silence, broken only by birdsong or the occasional deer. From the moment you leave the door the forest surrounds you, leaving you with the only decision of ‘Where to go today?’

For the more adventurous Walkers or Cyclists, Kielder Reservoir is only 7 miles to the North through the forest and its surrounding area features many nationally renowned mountain biking trails, each tailored to provide fun or perhaps a little challenge for riders of all experience – be it novice or hard-bitten expert. To the south, the village of Gilsland lies amongst dramatic countryside, with many fantastic walking and cycling opportunities.

If you wish to venture further into the county, why not give the Hadrian’s Wall Cycleway a go, where you can cycle the full length of the wall. Alternatively, if you would prefer a more serene walk through some beautiful countryside, you may like to attempt a section of St Oswald’s Way, retracing the footsteps of the renowned 7th Century Northumbrian King.

Wherever your interests may lie, Wark Forest and wider Northumberland is certain to have attraction aplenty.