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fishing_2_20111119_1584845664 With the upper River Irthing merely a stone’s throw from the property, the keen fisher can find challenge aplenty in attempting to catch a member of the healthy population of cunning wild brown trout that call the river home. The fish are wily and may not succumb easily, but the chance of casting a fly in one of the most serene and unspoilt areas in England may be a reward in itself.

Please be aware, however, that you must hold an Environment Agency rod licence and permits to fish upon the River Irthing can be purchased from Brampton Post Office.

Further north, Kielder Water is also open to fishing, from either the bank side or from one of a range of small motor boats that may be hired for the day for a moderate fee. If one is cycling, Kielder Water can be accessed from Churnsike Lodge through the Wark Forest in approximately an hour, being 9 miles distant. The forest is off limits to public vehicles, so in this case, an alternative 90 minute trip around to Kielder will provide access to what remains as the largest artificial lake in the country – and a healthy stock of Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout and Arctic Char. As with fishing upon the Irthing, an Environment Agency rod licence and a permit must be held before fishing on the Reservoir – both of which may be purchased at the provided facilities.